I agree. Multi communities are great. But managing a community’s connectivity with such features makes a lot of sense too!
A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing
I agree. Multi communities are great. But managing a community’s connectivity with such features makes a lot of sense too!
Yea, also it was an established show and from what I could tell they kept a lot of the production staff at least at the high levels. All they had to do was keep things as they were as it was clearly working well.
Whether you like them or not, I’ve gotten a pretty clear impression that Amazon is a bit of a hack of a studio. There’s always a clear sense of something essential missing.
That looks fantastic my friend!
Yep! Embracing boredom is likely the path back. Because it’s not a dead space. It’s a canvas.
I’ve been starting to think that it’s something us older millennials can actually do for our younger friends … remind, demo and teach what a less tech ruled life can look like, how tech can be treated as more humane and not a necessity.
Not to claim equivalence or anything, but smartphone and the internet (ironic saying so here I know).
I’m a xennial … old enough to remember living without all this and the middle time where computers were either games or just useful tools.
For me, and I’m pretty sure many others, I’m pretty convinced it’s better that way.
I’d really like to get away from these things, at least just to relearn older habits.
Yep. And it’s a point well made.
To me it all comes down to the consequences of 1) wanting the work to not just be easier but literally not involve thinking, and 2) how little attention people are paying to where these tools come from: just training on the whole Internet, not some intelligent analytical task specific tooling.
Big and obvious consequences fall out of these I think, and I’m a little frightened how little people think and talk about this.
That is interesting! Thanks for the tip!
Also, it’s their icon a community reference?
The Lighthouse (Eggers). Fucking great! I expected more of a horror thing going in, which kinda ruined a bit, so I had to rewatch it again to get into the vibe more. And yea, love that film and will definitely watch it again at some point. What a second entry after The Witch from Eggers!
As someone who used to be kinda similar, it can get kinda addictive! Don’t get too stressed about needing to post or anything, I’d say, but don’t get self conscious either I’d also say. It can be fun to post! And we’ll all be better for it!
Woah woah woah … this is awesome!!
Thanks for this! I wasn’t aware a good independent fork of all of this had been set up (I’d kinda forgotten about conda-forge).
What about the package repos and conda forge? Apologies, it’s been a while since I paid attention to them (and Python packaging too). Does conda work well just against PyPI?
Oh I get you, and it’s an insight into the priorities and operation of the company. They’re clearly worried about snaring all of the “free loaders” as they move to a more extractive business model. And so there’s probably a bunch of people with licence quotas hounding anyone they can.
While I’m sure it was inevitable, especially in today’s climate, it saddens me to see Anaconda (and conda by extension I presume) go down like this. When they first came out it was such a breath of fresh air in the Python ecosystem.
I’m not sure in the details, but what’s the point in relying at all on any of their infrastructure? Is any of it independent enough?
Could be a pretty easy flag to be displayed on any community. Basically last time the mod logged in or was active (should be available).
Yea, and then being able to traverse the layers in a reasonable way when needed/desired without needing be stuck or live in one of those layers.
Working with some proprietary no code tools at the moment, and, yea, not letting people just program in a decent language is a mistake.
Yea wow. The article quotes the wife as ages 64 or so. Kinda weird if you ask me.
On Hackman, I recall Morgan freeman saying that he was the only actor that scared him, that when Hackman’s character was angry and aggressive at Freeman’s, he was convinced that the aggression was real and instinctively scared accordingly. IIRC, he said Hackman was the only one he’d seen who had that acting power.