I mean, I think protests are important but I have to work to stay out of the homeless shelter
I mean, I think protests are important but I have to work to stay out of the homeless shelter
You won’t find any if you only use the lo-fi one.
You know the joke, My real hobby is shopping for my newest hobby …
I picked up the guitar again after 24 years. $10 thrift store nylon string classical, set a goal to learn a full song, which is something I never did, and then I’d buy an electric which is something I wanted but never got. I went with Nirvana - About a girl, and honestly think it was a bit too easy so I’m going to bump up the difficulty to also singing at the same time, something that really stumped me all those years ago.
I also make noise art so already have a large selection of guitar pedals and amps ready to be very loud.
Mostly I’ll just find I’m unable to articulate my thoughts to my satisfaction and give up instead of deliberately self-censoring.
it’s not as bad since leaving the other place because the hive mind isn’t a singular entity on the fediverse, so I’m much more likely to just hit enter and potentially start an interesting conversation instead of knowing for a fact my opinion will be downvoted to hell or get me banned.
if it works, don’t
enterprise WILL get their moneys worth
Why is the list not just every Chinese company? do they not know how state capitalism works?
The history of tech is littered with superior standards but in this case go look at any video card. We haven’t lost out just yet.
How did you make those links because they’re off site links and I’m trying to figure out wtf is going on in this thread.
if it’s yours too do yourself a favour and NEVER revisit it
! is a lemmy thing and sends you to the original url, @ is a fediverse thing and sends you to the linked community on your own instance so you can actually interact with it.
sounds like a sync issue. federated links don’t direct you away from your instance so you can actually interact with the communities being linked to no matter what activity pub software you’re using.
Lemmy users have a bad habit of using local links which are next to useless unless you’re on the same instance.
ITT: people who don’t know how federated links work. I’m not joining your instance or searching your recommendation on my own.
@[email protected] because the masters tools will never be used to dismantle his own house.
@[email protected] because fuck 60+ streaming services
@[email protected] because fuck 60+ streaming services
edit: looks like even ! links aren’t standardised. What an absolute shit show.
Don’t promote violence … against your fellow slaves.
Get off the fucking road and hurt the people responsible.
Jokes on you I don’t have to be friends with anyone
cat /dev/hda1 | column | lolcat
only after the downvotes.
Never assume your audience are idiots unless proven otherwise.
I try not to label myself. it’s extremely limiting by design. and this is a space where those limitations don’t matter if you don’t let them.
That being said I often self identify in the context of conversations about my interests.
The problem with that mentality is that you can easily run an OS without support for a very long time and win 10 LTSC support ends in like 2032.
anyone thinking of switching should just dual boot with separate drives and linux as default boot. I still have my windows drive but it’s been a few months since I’ve needed to boot into it at this point and honestly don’t think there’s any reason left.