except bifold and trifold are established terms for wallets, brochures, etc.
I think it makes more sense like this, anyway, especially considering that those words don’t really refer to the folds themselves. (trifold can just mean triple)
except bifold and trifold are established terms for wallets, brochures, etc.
I think it makes more sense like this, anyway, especially considering that those words don’t really refer to the folds themselves. (trifold can just mean triple)
And here I am on GrapheneOS trying to get rid of Google. Although I personally would rule out Huawei for privacy concerns. (and the price, of course)
But if you don’t care about that, what’s stopping you from using Aurora store and your bank’s website?
You seem a little riled up.
For the record, I think framerate has nothing to do with the quality of a film. Art direction, script, and performance are what matters.
I stand by me previous comment though, not sure what gives you the wrong impression?
I think that’s mostly just because you’re not used to it.
Also 60 and 48 fps are a bit of an odd middle ground. I’d be interested to see a 240fps film. (also I bet it would make 3D look way better)
I think that’s a separate issue, and it was often dark and low contrast.
The first part is true, it’s super expensive. But anecdotally therapy is very socially acceptable and mental health is openly talked about, in younger generations at least.
Apply this to anything else though. This comes up in all sorts of other social issues whenever one group has a problem and another group sees no problem.
“I just wish they’d be nicer about it” has been applied to environmentalism and civil rights issues too, and I don’t think it’s a valid response.
People making you uncomfortable doesn’t invalidate what they’re saying.
Except that this post is an anti-vegan strawman. Nobody is hoping that people starve, and nobody is starving because eggs are slightly more expensive.
I belive access to healthy, ethical food is a human right. Why should I be expected to advocate for food that I believe is unethical, especially when it’s unnecessary?
Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this, especially when you state it as your belief.
I do think it’s likely accurate, too. If you look at brain scans, we can see that decisions are made before we’re consciously aware of them. Also split brain patients will attribute intent to actions of their completely separate hemisphere.
I don’t think this is a healthy mindset, though. Personally I think this way as a coping mechanism more than anything else, even if I do genuinely believe it’s likely how the universe works.
It’s not a moba replacement, but it’s one of my favorite multiplayer games. Highly recommend.
arch lighter
sudo pacman -S lighter
Most anticheat isn’t a technical issue though, it’s just companies blocking Linux.
What does libreoffice not do? And what about onlyoffice?
I don’t recommend trying anything you could get addicted to, I think that’s a good call. But psychedelics are non addictive and they’re starting to be used to treat depression etc. If you’re serious about not wanting to be alive, I think its not a bad idea to try that first.
I think it’s going to be a long time before I upgrade my graphics card with these prices.
2016 was perfect, and a worthy successor to the original. I think the scene in the beginning sums it up: there’s a story, but doomguy doesn’t care and smashes the screen. Rip and tear.
Aside from the stylistic change to ugly, cartoony visuals, and the more restrictive, rigid gun mechanics, Eternal’s story was all over the place. I only got a few hours in, but it was just random characters that had nothing to do with anything.
There is evidence of risks from just meat in general, but yes, it’s primary red meat and meat cooked at high heat that are the concerns.
There are other nutrients than vitamin c and a, but If you’re eating a high seafood diet and lots of liver, great.
Low carb isn’t going to magically protect you from cancer and heart disease. Studies don’t have to be specifically on low carb diets to be valid. Also ‘may be a significant risk factor’ is normal scientific wording for finding a statistical correlation.
the intuit lived without plants, and without cancer I don’t think we have evidence for that, and I’m not sure it’s even relevant.
More importantly though, even the best farming practices, there is no sustainable or environmentally friendly way to produce meat. Again, I’m not sure what the Inuit have to do with that, given how different our modern meat industry is. But growing food, feeding it to animals (who produce greenhouse gasses), and eating those animals is an extremely inefficient and destructive way to get food. Not to mention the horrific treatment, enslavement, and killing of those animals.
There are many, many, studies showing these links. I don’t think keto is relevant in assessing the risk of meat itself.
And no, meat is not biocomplete. You’ll eventually run into vitamin deficiencies if you don’t eat anything else. Although you can always supplement.
Though I do purchase my meat directly from a sustainable farm.
Even if it’s relatively “sustainable” compared to other meat production, it still has an enormous environmental cost compared to plant foods.
I don’t expect to change your mind about this, and if this diet is the only thing that works for you personally to address your gut issues, so be it, I can’t really fault you for that.
But anyone else reading this should know that it’s neither healthy nor sustainable.
How does this compare to element [matrix] ?