i suspect everything is transactional with the current admin, there’s surely something in it for them. Tim Apple seems to be ready to go with the flow.
Cats, Pastry, DIY, Webdev, Photography. Trans rights now! Fuck all nazis.
i suspect everything is transactional with the current admin, there’s surely something in it for them. Tim Apple seems to be ready to go with the flow.
they pulled the same PR BS in 2019 when they presented their all-american made Mac Pro. Device which then never got an upgrade and wasn’t even assembled in the US for international customers. It’s all posturing to look good until the current presidential mandate is over, then it’s back to normal business.
rat erotica
aah thank you! now I can make sense of those last jumbled letters, quite the unusual word combination for sure ^^
Newsweek - The True Story Behind ‘Last Week Tonight’s’ Rat Erotica Painting (archive link)
good initiative but uh what’s up with that domain name?
anyone born after 2000 is young in my book.
Of course, when you’re young you don’t think about it, then comes the time that your grandparents pass, or a pet, and you get to experience a form of grief. As time goes by, you start losing more people you knew, a school friend, a work colleague, an aunt… And eventually death comes closer and takes away your parents, your social circle shrinks, you think of your own mortality.
Then you eventually think what will happen when you disappear. What if it was tomorrow, when crossing the street? What will people you leave behind remember of you? How can they deal with your stuff? Can you make it easier by lessening the amount of stuff you hoarded? Can you put down the important information to your online accounts somewhere? Will they be able to let the friends you made over the internet know that you’re gone?
Statistically, I lived half my life, and those thoughts come and go. I look at stuff in my cupboards that i haven’t touched in years and decide what to do with them. I start making preparations for the legacy of my many accounts for social media, banking, internet hosting, image backups etc. We’re all here on borrowed time.
Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen.
German saying: the last shirt has no pockets.
What you wear on your last day on this Earth doesn’t need pockets because everything stays behind after you die.
it takes a special kind of person to work for Lum💧n. Leave your sensitivity, common sense and empathy in your car before entering the building.
that loaf looks stunning, keep doing it that way, it looks like you nailed it! 👏
beautiful! you can be proud 😎
Block and move on, no well-intentioned person would say that.
edit: it reminds me of this hilarious sketch on the French youtube channel Golden Moustache, english subtitles available
The website itself doesn’t seem to have a problem with its certificate: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.fosslinux.com&s=
it might be related to the root certificates available on your device. you might be able to click the barred icon and read details about the error that’s encountered
i experienced similar difficulties. what worked was to reshare my own old posts using the “double arrow”-icon, i think the servers see them as new content and sync it again (you can remove your repost afterwards, once it’s synced it stays visible.
setting the license type is only implemented on new posts, there isn’t any way to set them on existing posts, it’s probably on the roadmap with a low priority: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/issues/4525
When you start following and interacting with people on other instances, the federation kicks in and their content is slowly retrieved, but it can take a while depending on the load
oh yeah that does sound like a hassle, just like headphones, one size/shape does indeed not fit all
no problem in our household :)
btw, flushing will make droplets of what’s in the toilet bowl airborne, so i always put the lid down at the time of flushing. That’s the default state of our toilet
its definitely a cope through humor 🥲
some are gonna be really hard, like gaslighting myself to believe there’s a magic friend in the sky
Grady is the best!
So you’re telling me you also watch Practical Engineering 👷♂️ ^^
working on it!
i bought Wipr 2 a few months ago and i’m really happy with it, it’s regularly updated