if you read the article, you’d find out that the alert linked to the X post. it could be linking to a dedicated webpage instead, which wouldn’t require logging in.
if you read the article, you’d find out that the alert linked to the X post. it could be linking to a dedicated webpage instead, which wouldn’t require logging in.
Lapz seems like a cool concept (although I don’t follow F1 myself), but it got put on hold because legal https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/20/24301420/apple-vision-pro-viral-lapz-app-f1-complaint
Here’s the really long version: like everyone, we publish our videos on YouTube
I think I’ve found the underlying issue
from the linked website:
Ask you government to call on the European Commission to withdraw the chat control proposal. Point them to a joint letter that was recently sent by children’s rights and digital rights groups from across Europe. Click here to find the letter and more information.
one paragraph below that:
When reaching out to your government, the ministries of the interior (in the lead) of justice and of digitisation/telecommunications/economy are your best bet. You can additionally contact the permanent representation of your country with the EU.
the bold parts are clickable URLs in the original text.