Me too, man, I miss the 3DS era. I need to go back and replay A Link Between Worlds, at least.
Me too, man, I miss the 3DS era. I need to go back and replay A Link Between Worlds, at least.
If I were writing a character play, I’m still not sure how this would go. I’m sure there are stories out there, though.
I cannot even fathom how this happened.
Glad you two are happy, though. <3
I thought you were doing a Samuel Jackson Disco Elysium portrait for a second.
You know, maybe one day I’ll do it again. The only people I would have play Drakengard are those with extreme patience, and unfortunately, I’m one of those people.
It does have a really good story.
Nooo, wait who actually plays Drakengard? I love that game to bits, but I would never tell someone to play it. Was I just bad? That game is truly awful, haha.
Fuck I miss SSX. I need to make sure I have a good one in my rom folder.
Dating sims are absolutely played by heterosexual boys. Some of the weirdest, red-pill, alpha-male shit I’ve seen is from dating sims.
But yeah, usually on PC, I would think.
Damn, I guess it ever did.
I wish my knee-jerk dismissal of anything remotely anti-AI didn’t get in my way so often.
I’m a busy man with a busy schedule, so I had chatgpt summarize all that for me:
The comment argues that the value of art lies in the artist’s choice to elevate an ordinary object, criticizing modern conceptual art for being vulgar and unoriginal, while also questioning the value placed on handcrafted items over machine-produced ones.
Uh, my guy, people love handcrafted things. You ever seen E t s y?
If they didn’t care enough to do it authentically, why should I give a shit about their actor-accent auto tune.
Hand-made slop will always be worth more than whatever comes out of google’s big pachinko machine. Art is communication. AI can’t communicate.
or I shall be referencing urinals on pedestals.
Why, because it’s vulgar? Prefer your pristine statues of roman soldiers, do you?
you will political change with population support, and that’s demand time and a lot of work.
To be fair, this is exactly what Rupert Murdoch is doing for the right wing around the world.
Oh, thank you! I was wondering who was still reading, haha.
What are you asking for then?
Literally anything to rebuild public faith.
If you haven’t seen it, this was Bernie Sander’s response to Trump’s victory given while Kamala Harris, our last hope, was on vacation.
The DNC is so beaurocratic, toothless, and boring that they lost to someone who holds the bible upside down.
And why? Because they don’t believe in anything. They’re soulless husks that amber about doing whatever their corporate donors tell them will sell to their demographics right now.
What should they do? I’d love to hear one of them present a single fucking idea. Even a bad one.
Blue states, round the national guard, project yourself as a safe haven for the would-be deported. Blue in the senate, obstruct and delay as much as possible. Pull the fire alarm, I don’t know. The system has crumbled, act like it.
Anyway, I’ve been soapboxing for long enough. You have a good day, man.
I didn’t choose hitler 2.0, no. I find this complacency you have revolting.
The correct time to do something about Trump was 4 years ago after January 6th. He should be in prison on sedition.
The correct time to smile as you hand the keys over is never. And yet, that’s what the democrats are doing.
No acknowledgment of their colossal failure,
no acknowledgment of their present unelectibility,
no acknowledgment of how hard things are about to be for people,
no leadership about what to do now that our government is owned by X.com,
no resistance.
I’m not asking for a second January 6th: do the democrats even care?
Presidents are supposed to be professionals and should act like it
I’ll try to remember this as the corpses of Trump’s administration pile up.
Yes, they did.
This is the same smarmy, condescending attitude we got with Hillary Clinton. The DNC refuses to learn anything, they patronize people with “the stars shine brightest in the night sky,” and turn their nose up at their base for being too stupid to know what’s good for them.
It’s not enough to be ‘correct’ when the ship is sinking, we have to win.
Yeah, so how do you get them to?
Because you have no fight in you. Was MLK civil? More than Malcolm, maybe, but no he wasn’t.
Bernie Sanders has more fight right now than anyone in the upper echelons of the DNC.
I don’t think I run on AMD or Intel, so uh, yes.