No,no,you misunderstood!
That is a complicated procedure that should only be performed by specialists,it’s not comparable to what you do at home.
You get prior clearance from the buttfucking department of your insurance (they are always available and really good at this and also enjoy their job a lot) and then you get an appointment for a specialist within your network to buttfuck your doctor. If your insurance is good it can be ‘Vlad the impeller’, but most people only get ‘Norman needledick’ covered, but some choose a higher copay to afford ‘Redneck Randy’ at least.
Unless of course you are one of us Eurofilthys, we all get the same ‘Pierre Puckerwrecker’ to buttfuck our doctor after waiting for three years, but at least it’s free
I can’t speak for actual Western billionaires but I had the chance to speak to a few Arab billionaires (member of the ruling families) and a few Western multi-millionaires (as in hundreds of millions).
In terms of the western ones: They don’t have a fear for their money,they have enough hidden accounts and real estate around the world that they will never run dry… They fear for the same thing: Their lifes. Basically in two ways: Partly they fear that some random leftist or a terrorist group like the Italian Brigate Rose or the German RAF will simply shoot them in the head or kidnap them so they can make a point. (Which is quite strange as none of the people I spoke with was even out of elementary school when these groups operated - but they were really afraid of them,not of some common criminal)
The other thing is that they all were really really afraid of ending like the Romanovs - that there would be some kind of political turn and all of a sudden the “masses” stand in front of their estate with pitchforks and torches and hang them. (That’s literally a quote from one of them) Funny enough: None of them were afraid of the right wing - even though their families sometimes literally once lost almost everything to the fascists, etc.
Personally that explains a lot of the current state of the world. Money will always gravitate towards right wing politics as the right wing is always fixed on a strong leadership structure - which makes it easy to identify who you need to “befriend” or bribe if you want to keep your money. And people who have seen political turmoil in a role where they felt unable to control their own social standing anymore also have a tendency to gravitate towards these structures. Et voilà you have a armchairs psychologists explanation for Elmo. Well,if you add in a LOT of ketamine.