Where did time go? Returns HD is coming out next week!!
For now they’ve only said “2025”. Some folks are assuming it’ll be a launch title for the Switch successor as well, like with Breath of the Wild on Wii U/Switch. Apparently we might be getting re-releases for 2 and 3 on the Switch before then, but it’s all speculation so far.
I’ll definitely check it out, thanks! I played just a little bit and really liked the graphics!
The Pokémon were just asleep for a very long time 😅
Yeah so far Yars is ok, I do like the mix between newer stuff and old school Atari as part of the hacking.
I recently started playing Pokémon Omega Ruby on my 3DS. I started it on December 15, 2014, and stopped playing after the second gym. I had finished Pokémon X back when I got it, but it looks like I didn’t want that much more Pokémon or got distracted by something else. I went back to the same save, and I have some Pokémon that have been training with me for over 10 years 😅 I already got 6 gym badges and plan to keep playing. The DS is such a great console. Such a shame to see the Internet related stuff on 3DS games which we can’t officially use anymore. I need to check this out…
On the Switch I’ve been playing Yars Rising and Mega Man 7 from the Legacy Collection. Yars is ok so far. Mega Man 7 I played it before but I never finished it, I’ve played the NES ones (and X) more.
Until Nintendo doesn’t show anything official, there’s no confirmation that this is actually the successor of the Switch.