What’s your view on Trump?
What’s your view on Trump?
I’m not even American yet still in “the west”, and refuse to be identified by American subpar ways of determining people in power.
Another repeating problem is the vast generalizations. Treating “the West” as if they’re all Bush Jr. or Reagan.
Then why the change?
How to access this movie? It’s not even listed in IMDb
If you have to work in order to pay your bills you are not a successful capitalist. And it doesn’t matter whether you freelance or not.
That’s way too simplistic. It’s not just big corporations that block each and every measure to mitigate climate change.
Ask a small home owner, or car owner, why they are against climate change measures. They will point out that their life would need to change, and that’s why.
Climate is fucked primarily because people are unwilling to look around the next corner. That corporations are the same is more a property of them being comprised of people rather than capitalism per se.
Capitalism would work with wind and solar parks just as well as with coal.
Ok, Stalin