Does anyone know a good alternative for Hypatia?
I am a software engineer living and working in Belgrade, Serbia. My hobbies contain a lot of things including cycling, bikepacking, photography and quantum computations.
All the photos in my posts are made by myself (if not specified other) and are shared under CC-BY 4.0.
Does anyone know a good alternative for Hypatia?
For me one of the most flexible and mature way to knowledge base, tasks and notes is an org-mode.
I have two main workflows. The first one is task management. I have a lot of recurring tasks with tags, deadlines, schedules, etc. All of them are living in org-files in my Nextcloud. On Android I’m using orgzly-reviwed for sync via WebDAV, on my work I’m using organice (via WebDAV) as a “web-version” and also I’m editing my notes in emacs on my laptop (but actually any text editor could be used).
The second one is a knowledge base. I’m using org-roam locally (and with a localhost web server, built in into emacs) and orgnote for Android/Web + synchronization. My knowledge base is Zettelkasten-based.
Orgnote provide a way to encrypt all notes by your own key/password. With orgzly I’m relying on Nextcloud encryption.
To be honest I do not see any reason to use Lineage with Pixel while there is GrapheneOS… But maybe there will be some users of it: it is always better to have more free open OS