ooooo, going to put that on as soon as i get home! there’s so few playthroughs of Outer Wilds it’s crazy
i also will experience hype2.0 when i get that art of outer wilds, making of, and interviews with devs book (and a model ship!!! gotta wait 6months for that though, danged preorders) god what i’d give to play that game again for the first time. so few things in this world make me want to scream at the top of my lungs MORE even when i know there’s nothing to be added to the story and it’s perfect as it is
ayyy! guess we both need to be patient then haha
neat! i’m going to be looking up everyone you mentioned haha, i’m starved of Outer Wilds content
it is on my list yes! i will get to it eventually lol, right now i’m catching up on all the classics i’ve missed over the years