Counterpoint, I grew up in a smallish town in Idaho and was still absolutely surrounded by Democrats. State wide, only sixty percent of the voting age population actually turned out, and of those one out of every three people voted against Trump.
Hell, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in some countries and again, this is fucking Idaho.
This means that if you talk to an a Idahoan at random, there is a more than fifty percent chance they either largely already agree with you, or they are largely insulated from and not paying attention to politics and thusly susceptible to being swayed with the right approach and concrete examples of what Trumps doing to fuck them and their friends over specifically.
Left wing ideas and policy are still far more popular among the general public, which is why Republicans have to lie about them constantly.
Look for your local anarchist bookstore, look at what your counties Democrats actually organized, especially things like local pride events, show up, and network/make friends.
As is fun to note, there are more Democrats living in Texas than New York state, so the idea you should just give up on finding any around you because you live in a red state instead of one where the numbers are reversed is honestly rather absurd.
+1 for FS multi mode fiber, it’s worked well enough for me.
I know FS’s SFP-10GMSR-85 (Intel) (formerly SFP-10GSR-85) works in my Mikrotik CRS317-1G-16S+, but don’t know either way about the Ubiquiti transceivers.
I’m afraid I dont have any real experience with fiber keystones one way or the other.
I will say that if you have the space in the run or are opening up walls, help out you’re future self and run it in some smurf tube, though obviously that’s not always possible without massively expanding the amount of drywall work.