So much agro over a typo
UK wut u doin’
Hard to kill a lot of people with OUT industry and technology bro
This is why all big tech is trying to be cool with Israel they want that tech
That’s an interesting opinion to have
They all kissed the ring… They are all working with trump
Bro… Under the current regime, no big tech will be touched
It is a long story but to make short: spooks, feds etc
Influencers specially are just marketing reps for whose very pays.
And marketing has a lot of money
Regime whores keep plebs docile and there is a lot of value in that alone…
Plus mass media makes possible to generate revenue so regime whores know they can demand higher wage.
Why do you think john cena and NBA love China?
One girl… One fedi
It was generated organically and heavy users know where it is from haha
i think @[email protected] is saying break encryption has a meaning and the journalist does not understand that meaning
Lol… One of the few things the Germans are actually doing right IMHO
Paying 3% fee and getting spied on ain’t worth the convenience
Once cash is dead they will increasing the fee… That’s how streaming works once physical media market was gutted.
Windows is a just the comfort zone for normies…
Linux once set up has less issues but it can be hard to set if you your hardware doesn’t work out of the box. Which is a real risk
Cute of you to assume plebs leaving US will be making 100k or whatever threshold it is now…
There are very few places that have similar salaries and they don’t accept plebs.
Lol… You gonna browse how daddy told you or you won’t get to browse
Well if you secure your end point and your counterparty secures their end point, ie you are not running stock android or apple.
I would assume communication is secure. but yeah e2ee is useless when google has admin rights on your phone…