There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024


  • Yes, based on my experience Adderall reduces anxiety along with other ADHD symptoms. And when you stop taking Adderall, the symptoms, including anxiety, come back.
    I wouldn’t call this withdrawal symptoms, though.

    The following is not a recommendation, just an anecdote:
    I used to self-medicate heavily with cigarettes. When I quit, all the ADHD symptoms hit me hard. So I got me some nicotine gum just to deal with that.
    I’m currently on an extended vacation in a country where legally bringing my ADHD meds wouldn’t have been possible. So I bought a couple packs of nicotine gum and find they work well in managing my symptoms, until I get back home to my meds.
    Probably wouldn’t do shit for anyone who was never addicted to nicotine, though.

  • When you run OpenSUSE, you can feel it was made by Germans.
    The installer is a beautiful example of German engineering.
    The package manager is a perfect example of German over-engineering.
    If you run it with KDE, you have 2 redundant GUI admin tools for every config in the system, and 4 for setting up printers.