There no constitutional amendment protecting abortion.
There no constitutional amendment protecting abortion.
It doesn’t allow for this. Already been ruled on.
And the astroturf farm at Eglin AFB is the highest source of traffic on Reddit. I’m sure the US military’s astroturf output is absolutely eclipsing anything poorly paid students are outputting.
Western propaganda and US propaganda aren’t all that different, and usually come from the same sources.
If they’re doing so in cooperation with or at the direction of anyone in government, it is also illegal.
Because you’ve been propagandized to hell. A lot of people have. Which is why everyone lost their shit about “Russian interference” over a couple of shitty memes from Russian sources during an election, but didn’t seem to give a shit about electioneering from domestic propaganda sources.
You’re getting far more propaganda from your own country than any other foreign entity, I promise you.
I was checking it periodically to see if I was missing out on anything, but the entire front page is meticulously curated propaganda & ads now. The manipulation is especially obvious because they rarely even update it now. You’ll see the same shit stuck on popular for days.
But I’m not complaining. It canceled out any FOMO I might’ve had.
I don’t expect this ban hammer will help in their next earnings call.
Dude, I don’t even know where to begin. I guess with their support for a live-streamed genocide that escalated tensions with every country in the Middle East. Full-throated support for a proxy war that threatens to turn nuclear with Russia. Threatening hot war with China throughout the Biden admin. Escalating tensions with the DPRK, and backing a coup attempt in South Korea. Continued support for destabilization of leftist countries in South & Central America.
I don’t know how you missed Dems escalating in multiple theaters of war throughout the Biden presidency. Especially his last couple months. After Harris lost the election, the State dept immediately canceled all leave for foreign service officers, and they went absolutely fucking wild from November-January.
At least they’re pretending to take a friendly approach in Africa, as our reputation there continues to deteriorate and they grow closer with China.
It’s going to get worse. The DNC keeps bringing in more & more former CIA agents to run, and they’re welcoming in neocons like Liz Cheney. The anti-war movement is absolutely non-existent within the Democratic Party now.
They’re not bringing them in to train US workers. They’re bringing them in to work.
You don’t have to start training them to manufacture chips in kindergarten. And in the time they’ve spent lobbying for importing the workers, we’d have had years to train up our own. Now that would make the chips more expensive to properly pay US workers to do it, for sure, and cut into profits. Which is really why this is about.
No, not time. Investments in public education and technology. We’d already have a crop of grads ready to go, if we’d have been training for as long as Congress has been trying to import the labor instead.
“Chance and circumstances” is either doubling down on the eugenics theme, or you’re just opposed to increased investments in education and training.
I get that impression because of the projections that my preference for US citizens to get the jobs in the US is somehow xenophobic, the references to Project Paperclip, and the insistence that these jobs can only possibly be filled by importing exploitable labor instead of getting people educated & trained here.
It’s been clear for decades that we needed this talent developed here in the states. They’ve been pushing the chips act for years, with building the factories expected to take years after passing. In all that time, we can’t get the people trained here? Bullshit.
No, a lot of those positions are left unfilled on purpose. Lots of ghost jobs. Lots of jobs left vacant in the hopes they can fill it with an H1B.
Your last point is also completely wrong. It’s not that people aren’t willing to do the jobs. They just want to be properly compensated. Hell, I’d take those jobs for the right pay level.
You’re dodging the question. Why do you believe they’re beating us?
I personally believe it’s due to lack of public investment in education and technology in western countries. But the fact that you keep coming back to eugenics-themed arguments is concerning. So again, why do you think it is they’re beating us?
I haven’t seen any explanation that’s convincing. I think partly it’s a personal vendetta with Trump not appreciating the criticism from Canada of his administration. I think it’s also partly that Trump is fairly isolationist in foreign policy, and there’s a lot influence from the military industrial complex in the upper levels of Canadian politics.
My gut feeling is that this is all connected to capitalists flailing and taking any wild swing they believe will bring back the past glory days, and re-establish a unipolar world with the US at the top. Democrats believe they can do it with another world war, and Republicans believe they can do it with a trade war.
The reality is most of them haven’t really thought things through, and the ones who have are just hoping to delay & kick the can into a future profit quarter to deal with later. Neoliberalism is dead/dying. No matter how much they want it, we can’t go backwards. We’re at a fork in the road, and the options are neo-feudalist fascism or socialism. If we let the capitalists decide our fate, it’s gonna be fascism.
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In the years since Reagan, the only thing we’ve consistently invested in is military supremacy, so it’s really the only trick we’ve got right now.
So to clarify, you do not believe US engineers could ever do this? Why do you believe this is a skillset that only exists in Taiwan?
I’m gonna make this real simple for you: If you do not control capital, you are a laborer under capitalists. Yes, that includes white collar engineers and scientists- not simply blue collar assembly line workers.
We don’t even need to speak in hypotheticals. Just look at the engineers brought in for big tech under h1b’s. We have people here who can do this work. They would prefer to import the labor under one of these programs, because it makes them easier to exploit, and afraid to quit abusive employers.
You are so thoroughly indoctrinated, you can’t seem to separate capitalist propaganda from reality.
I understand that’s how it should work. You don’t seem to understand how things actually work in a reality run by capitalists.
If society actually worked the way you seem to believe it does, it would be merit based and the richest people would be these world-class scientists. In reality, the richest and most successful people are those who can enslave and exploit those talented people.
You also seem to be accidentally injecting your own xenophobia and racism, because you keep bringing it back to that. As if you believe there’s some eugenics reason that people from Taiwan are talented chipmakers. I assure you, people from the states could perform just as well given the same opportunities and education investments here. They would rather import these people to treat as indentured slaves.
I think you’re misunderstanding. I’m a socialist. I’m pointing out to the capitalist supporters than none of this makes sense.
Personally, I think we should transition to a centrally planned socialist economy, and move away from mass manufacturing to as-needed small batch manufacturing by investing in local manufacturing capacity for individual communities wherever possible. Specifically, I believe 3D printing technologies can be expanded and improved upon for this aim.
But the neoliberals will oppose that, because their power is maintained by controlling imports/exports, and preventing communities from becoming self-sufficient to not rely on imports. It’s why the IMF and World Bank always force countries to become dependent on imports.
It’s actually the very first amendment.