I really really hope that won’t be happening, there is just no way you could fight off the military in an armed uprising! Though it would be funny if the republicans banned guns, after throwing a continuous hissy fit for it in the last many decades…
I really really hope that won’t be happening, there is just no way you could fight off the military in an armed uprising! Though it would be funny if the republicans banned guns, after throwing a continuous hissy fit for it in the last many decades…
Luigi doing it! And now u can do…
I vote for the best chance in opposition (regardless of my commie opinions) and I illegally volunteer for them (I am a soldier)
Oh righties, its that simple! How did we not think of that? Its just a decision to be made!
We would kinda need to have a revolution to remove him, he gerrymandered the country so bad that he got 75% mandate from only 38% of the votes! Which we kinda fantasy about in our wet dreams, but there is just no one to lead it… Viktor pretty much bought everyone!
Oh cum on! Don’t tell me you gonna try for twitter?