That and those servers are going to be running anyway. Powering a simple restaurant website is a grain of sand on the beach of internet usage.
That and those servers are going to be running anyway. Powering a simple restaurant website is a grain of sand on the beach of internet usage.
Leave the one tong hanging out. Ie. Straddle the side. Assuming youre not one that cares about aesthetics.
Seems they’ll just keep making money on sync.
Actually, given the cost of multiple radiation or chemo treatments this might be cheaper and thus more favored by insurance, etc.
Let me key you in- everyone thinks you’re a shithead. No one gives a fuck how sanctimonious you feel for “voting your conscience” when it’s clear you and people like you allowed the worst possible option to assume power.
Because your “purity” is doing fuck all for the people that are going to go to camps, have their healthcare fucked with, their entire lives upended.
Sincerely, eat shit.
And far more didn’t vote at all.
Let’s stop acting like we’re so surprised. Millions were told repeatedly what would happen and they did. Not. Care.
This is America. In all its ugliness. We truly need to own it because enough people here did not care.
Not that I can see. I assume it’s just an aversion to anything Microsoft profits off of?
At most I think it’s hosted on azure. That’s it.
Not really. Personally I’d allow the service account running jellyfin only access to read media files to avoid accidental deletion but otherwise no.
Also, jellyfin docs have a sample proxy config. You should use that. It’s a bit more in depth than a normal proxy config.
cht () {
curl cht.sh/$1
You can stick this in your .bashrc or .bash_profile. Then just do cht <command to use>
and it’ll give you the most relevant info to use the command.
Ie. cht tar
240 is used all the time for furnaces, driers, and increasingly EV outlet connections.
It’s just all our “normal” stuff is 120.
Except freedom of speech only applies to the government. You can’t yell from your neighbor’s front lawn either if they don’t want you to.
That said, the fact police were sent is BS.
I’m so old I still just use git checkout -b somebranch anyway.
Honestly, if you know nginx just stick with it. There’s nothing to be gained by learning a new proxy.
Use Mozilla’s SSL generator if you want to harden nginx (or any proxy you choose)- https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/
Ahh OK. Makes sense now. I just read it wrong at first.
Iirc you can subscribe to any mastodon account via RSS already no?
But yes, regardless I think RSS is a must.
I like the way they think…
Which they expressly said they wanted in the comment I responded to…
Personally I’d recommend restic and backblaze b2 if I were you. Dedup and quick.
Still one of the funniest scenes. She was absolutely hilarious. RIP