I’ll need a source for that.
I’ll need a source for that.
Yoga, specifically Hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga with focus on the secondary series (there are 6 total).
I’d highly recommend to start out with classes and a suitable instructor though, there are a bunch of specific warm-ups to loosen some muscle groups and stretching certain areas that allow you to get into the required postures, trying to raw-dog those can lead to injuries if you force your stiff body into some positions it’s not used to.
If all you want are basic exercises to cycle through on a daily basis, 4-8 weeks of guided training is already enough to know what and how to do, you can continue with youtube from then on.
I’m not buying anything recommended by creators, unless from their own shops in which case they get the full revenue either way.
If there is a product they recommend that I might be interested in, I’ll research prices and guaranteed find a better deal elsewhere.
I don’t use subscription services at all save for two very specific use cases and don’t play games, so all the vpns, online academies, website business, mmorpgs and whatever they are pushing really doesn’t phase me. If (and that’s a big if) they even make it through sponsorblock in the first place.
I did. And as I said, it’s a shit business tactic. But for someone who doesn’t support affiliate links whatsoever, the impact is net zero.
I don’t actually care since I would remove affiliate tags by hand - some shops put a markup on the items to offset commissions - but the audacity is quite something.
Do they still exist? In China and Malaysia where I’ve been living for the last 10 years there are only QR codes at the items that you can scan with the IKEA app.
If you don’t want to install the app, all you can do is take photos of the labels, or bring your own pens.
Was just about to post that as well, yep. The irony.
I did, they really annoyed me this year. Mozilla that is. Proton never emailed me somehow, despite being a paying user for the VPN (which is alright, but not great).
That’s pretty much how addy.io works, I think their technology is also open source? At least free for selfhosted use, I never looked into the license itself.
Just had a look at your service and it sounds quite compelling. I’m just wondering how the “not a bot” sender confirmation works - would they essentially get an autoreply where they have to solve a captcha, click on a specific link or whatnot?
I’m curios how that works with senders that aren’t individuals but e.g. services I’m signing up for.
It’s rare in Germany since we have a quite large population and heavy industry compared to the renewables production. We had days with 100% renewable coverage in the past, but negative energy prices are still a rarity.
Yep, it’s a great book for sure.
I thought it was just onlyfans spambots doing this crap, hoping you’d stalk a profile.
What’s the actual point?
I’m consistently below 30 GB, unless you include local traffic from my fileserver to endpoints (98% movies that I stream locally via. VLC over smb). And even then I usually don’t exceed 1 TB.
Had to do a double take that I’m not in The Onion community.
It was a flight on the way to Russia with plenty of Russians on board. I doubt they take pleasure in shooting down their countrymen, if anything.
Sucks big time. I just polled the latest available update from the 27th, but I guess that’s it then. Will look into preparing my own packages, if I’m successful I will try to host them on github or something and share the link.
Woah, I never knew Hypatia is part of the Divest team. Here I thought I was unaffected by the shutdown… I wonder if they’ll keep the av updates coming, since they are provided by ClamAV.
Edit: Looks like the script that converts clamav to hypatia compatible packages is public, I’m tempted to run it myself and host the files on my own server. That way I can just set the database override link within the app to my domain and done.
Fennec or Icefox.
I think they reintroduced them at some point since nobody was buying premium, and their cashflow tanked.
Some old netbook I guess, or unsupported hardware and a driver default. If all you need is ssh, the display resolution hardly matters.