Well that’s just screwed up.
Well that’s just screwed up.
Microsoft doesn’t want to end up like Google. Fuck that company! One way you can tell is on outlook…which I use with a proper 10’ pole on my work computer only. Fuck no, never at home ever ever… Have you ever received an email on outlook and just saw the title or maybe you read halfway through and got interrupted?.. Where the fuck is it now? Its gone! Sure you could go email by email and try to be your own search engine. But its no use, whatever Tim was talking about with the over pressured valve at the Central boiler, blah blah you should let people know to exit the blah blah, otherwise 3rd degree bur…yeah that shit’s gone. Might as well write your own email to finish the story. See, Microsoft doesn’t want to be like Google at all. On my 14.9992G full gmail, I was always able to go find out what Amazon offer I got 8 years ago. Look 404! Yeah that’s it! 404! With Gemini spying on my every move that’s gotta stop. It’s gonna try to learn my porn habits. I’m gonna go search for all the wrong porn on purpose.
Yeah what the heck is that?
I got a 4 acre lot on Mars that I’m selling for cheap. You seem like a gulli…great fellow. $10k. Its pretty cheap right now because people don’t known the real estate trend yet. I’m taking amazon cards.
Should your company get a fedivers account?
Let’s look at the process:
Start | Are you a nazi or have shitty agendas? | If no, then yes, join.
I’m actually looking for a good multifunctional printer. Our Samsung is dying. It was an LED printer and we only changed toner 1 time in 15 years.
I removed YouTube from my phone today! Fuck Google!
Sure. Look llms should be able to help, but only if there’s a human to bring meaning. Llms are basically… What’s that word… I’m thinking about it at the tip of my tongue… Word completion engines. So you think something up and it tells you what might be next. Its not how brains work but its like a calculator is to numbers…a tool. Just learn how to use it for a purpose rather than leat it barf out and answer.
Hilarious is you don’t think about it.
I’ve lived thru some of the madness for 15 years. You are totally right on the money. Orange fart face will be a stain in a box long before anything comes out of a fan anywhere. He’s got nothing to lose promising stuff though.
Cut the guy some slack. Instead of trying to put him in jail, bring AI front and center and try to use it in a methodical way…where does it help? How can this failure be prevented?
I’m pretty sure there’s something even more perverse happening maybe IP tracking. Maybe phone location tracking. Like when I search for stuff on Google here at home on my phone that stuff appears on my work Google (where I have never actually logged in to Google with any account). It maybe a server side user profile tracking system that we haven’t seen before. Instead of tracking a user via IP, you look at a location… Then you look at what people are searching for in that location and you develop a profile for that particular hardware ID.
Pornhub now remembers what sort of porn you like while browsing incognito. Is this also happening with other browsers? I just don’t wanna have my wife know what kid of bdsm I really like. It keeps things fun that way. Fun, gun, hun, nun, are all too close on the keyboard. Autocorrect can’t fix that.
You mean teams… No! You mean new teams! No! You mean teams for home use and teams for work! No! You mean new experience teams! Maybe you mean blue teams for use on a moving vehicle between 25 and 60mph on a Wednesday with the windows open while talking to exactly 2 or your close friends who are wearing blue blazers and jeans while drinking coffee but not from Starbucks at their house but not the bedroom and having their living rooms painted magenta in water color teams? Is it that teams? I’m a little confused as to what teams I’m using. I only use it at work because fuck no, I will never use it at home.
Again… You can and should swap in hot sunny areas specially California. I’m from California originally. You gotta be retarded not to have solar panels now. But over in places where shit freezes like here near Seattle, the entire north, and or maybe also texas, thar doesn’t work. Here in the PNW, we have all electric kitchen, but also a wood burning chimney and a gas burning central heater. If the power is out you get no heating and die…or you keep warm with a chimney fire. Well heat pumps also work using propane or natural gas. There are also gas powered heaters that don’t need electricity.
We’re smart enough to not plug them in. Also who watches TV anyway? You can’t even talk to anyone on TV like you can here. TV is stupid. Good riddance.
I always flush after leaking.
I’m a representative of the American pornographical societies of America and I would like to educate myself and others in this disgusting AI de-generated graphical content for the purpose of informing my friends and family about this. Could we please have a link?
Well it looks like I don’t have it. Which is good, unless its hidden and unremovable. My battery app reports up to like 60% of power usage but nothing else. That means that some stupid app in the background is running down my battery for no good reason.
Its definitely HP’s way to go.