Flip you, you’re a silly sausage!
Flip you, you’re a silly sausage!
I think Mastodon does fine, too, but I’ve often heard people complain about the lack of an algorithm. Like, they don’t know how to find things if they aren’t being shoveled into their feed
To be fair, I think it’s because they equate it with stealing. The propaganda works. Most people think that stealing is wrong, and media corporations have put a lot of money into convincing people that filesharing = stealing. Hell, even people who are okay with filesharing call it “piracy”, because that’s the corporate framing they were brought up with. (Just look at the name of this sub.)
Richard Stallman calls this out in this essay:
The term “piracy” is used by record companies to demonize sharing and cooperation by equating them to kidnaping, murder and theft.
I mean, yes, I enjoy saying “yarr”, and “yo-ho-ho”, and all the rest of it, but I have to admit that’s the result of a successful propaganda campaign. Before people called it “piracy”, they called it “filesharing”. And, of course, that was a problem, because everybody knows that sharing is good and should be encouraged; but piracy is evil and should be stopped.
Believe it or not, I’ve met people like this. I know a guy who was worried about showing a movie to our Meetup group.
Not because he was afraid of getting caught. He thought it might be unethical.
Can proprietary software be justified?
I don’t have any issues with mouse precision, so having to navigate that extra distance every time is a pain in the ass.
Man, they already said that they’re sick. Have some mercy!
Okay. Explain the global menu, then. Why would I want the menu at the top of the screen, always, instead of attached to the top of the window?
What were the smart and sane ones even doing there in the first place.
What I heard is that it comes from Yet Another Quake (terminal), which comes from a tradition in programming of naming an application “Yet Another (something)”, and they changed the Q to a K because KDE.
cd > zoxide
Leave it to cryptos to make simple things stupidly difficult. This whole piece you quoted was hilarious, but this part especially stuck out for me:
The base protocol doesn’t use tokens, which lets people who don’t have interest in cryptocurrency (yet) use it for free
I didn’t see the word “blockchain” anywhere.
Does Matrix 2 have channels?
Dude sounds like he could’ve been the Phillip K. Dick of computing.
Do yourself a favor and ditch GNOME for KDE. You’ll be glad you did. Especially if you’re into theming.
Gamers say that Ubisoft execs need to get comfortable with not being solvent.