The invasion aspect is with taking seriously. Also, Trump/Putin want the US to withdraw from NATO, but that’s an aside. My point is that the media, pundits, social media personalities are talking as if it’s a reasonable concept, military invasion aside. It’s about like some guy walks up to a married woman and says “hey we’re going to have sex tonight!” and she’s like “wtf? absolutely not, no, get the hell away from me” and then a bunch of people start discussing what kind of sex they’re going to have and if it will be good or not.
Same here. I have never owned an NES. We went Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Sega Master System, Amiga, Sega Genesis, Saturn, PC, Dreamcast, GameCube and Playstation 2. (I wasn’t a kid by the last few of course). I’ve played some Nintendo console games in emulation but have never owned one aside from the GameCube. And agreed, Phantasy Star is awesome.