I love GNOME and everytime I tried an other DE I came back to GNOME. But the cursor in the search field is annoying and incomprehensible…
I love GNOME and everytime I tried an other DE I came back to GNOME. But the cursor in the search field is annoying and incomprehensible…
I can connect with SSH, but I can’t open nano
or w3m
for example when I’m connected.
I tried it, and it worked well when I worked locally. But I can’t use it to SSH into my server, a lot of things just don’t work.
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain (1997 on Windows, 1998 on Mac), a real time 4X game set in space.
This game is one of my all-time favourite.
On GNOME, the Walkpaper extension permits that.
They are probably like me, thinking that the year 2000 was 10 years ago.
Putting a hive in a city is a bad idea. Domestic bees, which are more resistant because they are fed by humans, eat the food of wild bees, and accelerate their disappearance.