Absolutely! Life is a precious gift, and I hope to continue living for a long time. It’s not always good, it’s not always easy, it’s not always fun, but it is beautiful, interesting, challenging, and better than the alternative.
I’m echoing a lot of the replies here by saying “No.” Even if I’m given a choice as to what kind of life I’d live, still no.
Even if people say there’s a lot of good things in life, or that there are people living their dreams in this world, still no. I don’t play the lottery, even if I might end up with more money than I could ever hope to spend. The same logic applies here.
There would be no me to regret not existing if I don’t exist.
What if you could choose to be born with absolute power, like an emperor of old, and mold society into the shape you wish it were?
Warning: ITT, lots of nonresponse bias.
Life dissatisfaction guides people to type no;
neutrally satisfied folks will skip;
the relatively contented might type a “yes” or be offline.
With today’s historical context, there’s a bit of a skew, especially for those hanging out online o( ; ´ ﹏ `;)oAs for me, I’m excepted. I have decent dissatisfaction rather often, but arrogantly – I’d be born a million times, every time (unless you ask me at a bad moment).
Even at my worst, why do I not roll over and die? “I want to see how my story ends.”
No is not such a pleasant decision in this question, in order to answer this way you need to really feel or witness really bad things. Therefore, a large number of such answers says something…
God no. And I won’t have kids either. Spare them having to think about it.