I didn’t think I was that great and then I played with others. As it turns out I am way better than the average Joe.
Depends on the trivia. Sports not so much. Random everything else yes.
Same. Sports and pop culture now that I’m older.
one time, i went to a lgbtq trivia night at my college. everyone was on teams of 4 or 5, but most of my group had to leave suddenly at the beginning. it was suddenly just myself and the token straight who knew approximately fuck all. anyways, i led my team to a landslide victory anyways.
I once took part in a neuroscience pub quiz because I happened to be drinking at the student bar when it was happening and got an average score. The rest of the people were actually studying a related subject. Nice quiz, had the question “Guess within a power of 10 how many cells are in the brain”
The topics which feel like I know the information being asked for but the specifics are slightly beyond my immediate reach seem to have a near-100% overlap with being put on the spot.
In other words I suck at trivia 😅