Have been thinking of reducing hair length as it’s nearing summer in my place and the temperature is rising. I generally choose a shorter(relatively) hairstyle during the summer and monsoon, because it feels cooler in the former and easier to dry in the second one.

Was thinking about it and remembered reading on how the hair on the head helps to reduce effects of UV rays. I don’t stay out in the sun too much, so likely not an issue for me.

Started thinking about what the range of best summer hairstyles would be for people of different hair type(straight, curly, wavy/inbetween both) etc. and asking about it here to see how/what other people on think about it.

  • Moonguide@lemmy.ml
    7 days ago

    Yes and no. I cut my hair once a year to donate it. It’s usually warm to hot year round (25-37c), with a couple months’ reprieve around december. I cut my hair around January or a bit earlier depending on temperatures.

    The height of summer is torture for me because of the humidity frizzing my hair. I look as if Gimli was cosplaying one of Marge’s sisters.