I’ve seen many threads suggesting products but they often don’t mention FOSS projects, which should always be preferred to corporate software. With FOSS you are already boycotting capitalism, on either side. Free and Open Source ignores borders and shouldn’t be categorized in nationalist terms, no matter where some of the maintainers happen to live.
It is a thought experiment. Where you do not get to dobt murder someone.
That is the whole fucking point.
Just like not voting dosent stop evil running the nation.
You are the one misinterpreting. By some how inventing the dont murder somone option.
Just because you dont like it. Dos not mean you get to invent your own interpretations.
I’ve read this like 6 times and I can’t figure out what you’re trying to to say so I can’t respond to it.
If you don’t pull the lever you haven’t murdered anyone. The person who tied them to the tracks murdered them. You were just standing there.
I’m interpreting it the way it’s written. There’s only 2 possibilities, murder one person or let 4 die by not murdering that person. “I choose not to decide” is the latter. It’s not a third option. There is no third option.