I remeber 2006 I was in the 6th grade, all the world cup songs, chilling at my local lake with friends, … maybe it was just because I was a young kid.

But now I think a lot about the 2000s.

I was able to download and Listen to All Songs of 60s, 70s, 80s, and the 2000s had great songs too.

Like Linken Park with Breaking a Habit or Red Hot Chili Peppers with Snow.

It was also a time I spent a long time in Azeroth (WoW) but also a lot of time in real life with friends.

Right now at this moment my job is awesome, I earn enough money, have a wife,… but I cant recreate the Summers of 2000s.

I said it in 2015 those were the best days and now a decade later I still say it. The 2016s to 2019s were also great. But not like 2005 to 2009. Something about those years that gives me a cozy Feeling.

Sonetimes I think Corona ruined everything. Nothing is back to how it was pre 2020. People are so confused, lie and cant tell the difference between fake news and Real news, all only on the phones.

This feels like Im living in a Shell that is empty now. And all this being said my Life SHOULD now be better than in 2006. I have a great job, money, more free time… but dunno.

Anyone else feel this?

  • lordnikon@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Yes but for me it was 1998. There was so much hope the internet was coming into it’s own web 1 was peaking. PC gaming was unreal. Diablo , half life , quake 2 were in heavy rotation. Online was fresh and new. Heat.net was such a cool place to dial into. The world had its problems but being able to communicate across borders was ment to heal the world’s problems. This was before the internet got centralized and the powerful could use it as weapon.

    • warbond@lemmy.world
      1 day ago

      You said PC gaming was unreal and then completely skipped over Unreal!?


    • Grogon@lemmy.worldOP
      2 days ago

      I played Warcraft 3 TFT Line Tower Wars and Diablo 2 LOD between 2004 and 2008. A but Starcraft BW and WoW inbetween