First of all, follow the thread brother, I’m not the same person you originally replied to.
Second of all, this article is just as much about capitalism as it is about “tech”. If you actually read the article and just thought “this is just about tech” and not “this is about tech and how it has leaked unnecessarily into nearly every transaction”, then IDK what to tell you
How was that your takeaway from this thread
You attack capitalism in an article about tech, so let’s ask how is that your takeaway, then I’ll answer.
First of all, follow the thread brother, I’m not the same person you originally replied to.
Second of all, this article is just as much about capitalism as it is about “tech”. If you actually read the article and just thought “this is just about tech” and not “this is about tech and how it has leaked unnecessarily into nearly every transaction”, then IDK what to tell you
None of those things are about capitalsm, so still irrelevant.
And I know what the article is about, I just think it’s bullshit first and the most minor of minor problems second.
Tech is a huge net positive and even when it’s annoying it’s a fucking trivial thing to work around.
Alright bud, it’s obvious you’re just interested in being a contrarian and not actual productive conversation, so see ya 👉
Yep, I want to be a contrarian, that why I brought politics in a discussion about tech. Oh, wait…