I decided I want to ditch my cell plan and rely primarily on a VoIP service for calling. To anybody here have any experience with VoIP: what providers would you recommend?
So far the two that I see recommended the most online are JMP and VoIP.ms. I setup an account with VoIP.ms, but am hesitant to pull the trigger until I have done a little more research. Any insight and info would be most welcome.
This is a nice recent write-up about JMP. Pros, cons, use cases, etc.
I ditched my carriers about a year or so ago. Ported two numbers over to JMP.chat and all has been good. Contacts integration and using the standard Phone to make calls works well. Agreed, too, the support is great. Nice bunch of folks.
There’s a few guides or articles that might be helpful.
How to Replace Your Carrier on Android Using These Fully Open-Source Tools
Set up your Internet Phone Number (JMP.chat) with Cheogram
Dialer integration is possible using the Cheogram client but the monocles chat client is now based on Cheogram & Conversations so one could use that also. It might have a few extra options/features.
I have done this successfully with JMP. Started with a test number that I still use as a burner for online services that require a phone number. It worked well enough that I ported my main cell # over.
ninja edit: jmp customer service has been phenomenal
I had a similar question a while back and ended up with Voip.ms.
@cabhan @wolfinthewoods I actually use both VOIP.ms and JMP.Chat. Useful to have two numbers, but also find the services complementary. If I had to choose one, probably would choose JMP.Chat as I like their mission and vision more, and its more user friendly.