Suppression of the suspect’s voice really is misinformation on the part of states and corporations, albeit for different reasons.
Relevant laws and policies are employed in order to deliberately withhold public information about motive. They don’t want people placing these incidents this within a broader context. There couldn’t possibly be a belief set behind the behaviour; the perp didn’t have any ideas about how the world works, or who and what caused their circumstances. Oh no.
Why did the shooter go out and shoot people is a completely legitimate question. More than that, it will never be an illegitimate question, no matter how much autistic screeching authorities do. Learning is never wrong, and that includes the publishing and reading of a criminal suspect’s thoughts.
Suppression of the suspect’s voice really is misinformation on the part of states and corporations, albeit for different reasons.
Relevant laws and policies are employed in order to deliberately withhold public information about motive. They don’t want people placing these incidents this within a broader context. There couldn’t possibly be a belief set behind the behaviour; the perp didn’t have any ideas about how the world works, or who and what caused their circumstances. Oh no.
Why did the shooter go out and shoot people is a completely legitimate question. More than that, it will never be an illegitimate question, no matter how much autistic screeching authorities do. Learning is never wrong, and that includes the publishing and reading of a criminal suspect’s thoughts.
Are you saying autistic people control the government and are the ones oppressing poor neurotypicals?