I got it installed through the old installer, the new one refused to install Edge WebView and consequently crashed when I tried to ignore that part. However, the game itself, while starting, does not render correctly, as seen .
Tried to run it through Wine-GE as well as Proton but both with the same result.
You need to be VERY specific about versions. Not just “old” or “new”, and then give context to where and how you’re installing things.
When you’re asking for help, try to maximize the context and details so people aren’t as lost as you.
There are only two launchers to choose from, so I’m not sure how much more specific you want me to be? lol
And I obviously installed them through Lutris & WINE in their standard folders. Not sure how else I’m supposed to do it.
When you’re trying to help, try to actually know something about the topic so you aren’t just giving empty advice.
It was not obvious that you used Lutris at all from the prior context given. There’s about a half dozen active tools people use to install Windows games via Wine, including directly in Wine itself.