obviously it’s new and recent research, but holy heck

  • TheTechnician27@lemmy.world
    1 month ago
    • Approximately 75% of breast cancers are of a certain type.
    • We know of ways to target this type of cancer directly and indirectly.
    • However, these methods rarely fully cure the problem, and the patient eventually develops a resistance to these treatments, which makes continued use less effective.
    • We recently examined and reported on a drug which targets this common cancer type in a novel way and is remarkably effective.
    • However, that drug also interacts with non-cancerous cells in certain contexts, which ideally you want a cancer-targeting drug to avoid wherever possible.
    • We examine and report on a variant of this drug that is similarly effective but is less likely to target non-cancerous cells.
    • It is tolerated well in rodents, and this drug and related drugs are worth exploring for treating this cancer type.