Anyways, all that being said, trumps bait was a major success. He has you talking about stupid shit while he does the real bad things over there, where you aren’t looking while paying attention to he dumbass mouth.
It’s going to be a real rooouuuggghhh four years. Stay safe everyone.
Canada MP goes NUCLEAR! Canada MP SLAMS Canada MP SAYS A THING
God modern journalism needs new words.
Anyways, all that being said, trumps bait was a major success. He has you talking about stupid shit while he does the real bad things over there, where you aren’t looking while paying attention to he dumbass mouth.
It’s going to be a real rooouuuggghhh four years. Stay safe everyone.
This is the only take in this thread with more than a single second of thought put into it so far. Kudos