These aren’t steps. These are loosely related topics that insinuate some nebulous point. Make a proper list:
Blame a minority for the problem and exacerbate existing racial tension to persecute. A scape goat is always necessary because the problem was never internal.
Use panic and surprise to pass wide, sweeping measures that circumvent or override existing social protections. Also carve out any internal opposition to allow smoother transgressions.
Unite the people through social movements to be more involved in government while not giving them any direct access to government. Hitler youth and the broader Nazi party were great for this, some Nazis even showing such fanaticism that they would be given preference in placement, like SS in the army. Jingoism is how they advance.
Only your point 1, is relevant to the rise in power of NDSAP, which much like Trump, Hitler took control over purely for power rather than “best party policy” . Other 2 points is rule after NDSAP/Hitler got power. Weinmar was already dead.
Zionism was already an established movement at start of 20th century. Jews tended to range from zealot supremacists to indifference towards zionism then as now. Overwhelming any Jewish voices opposed to zionism, as now.
There was a zionist lobbying effort in US/UK to “force” US to support allies in WW1. US later joined.
The role of German Zionists in supporting greater zionist objectives over German victory in the war, is an understandable point of resentment/treason. Still the appropriate response would be to punish the specific traitor leaders to Germany instead of a whole religion.
And the rampant inflation?
That’s more than a decade off from the nazis getting power, it was actually a deflationary period that helped them. (Deflation is generally even more destructive for society than inflation, its not just price going down but wages as well)
Yes, it was a decade before the Nazis and as such was a contributing factor.
This post is about the fall of the Weimar republic though, isn’t it?
These was this whole ‘Prussia’ thing, too. The Weimar Republic inherited the government from the Prussian King who thought he was keeping his Monarchy. The Prussian military aristocracy sort of did too.
So you had the dominant state of the German Empire: Prussia, trying to reinforce/reimplement their hegemony over the other German states as a relevant background. The disenfranchised monarchists and anti-republic paramilitaries were quite influential in undermining the Weimar government.
If you don’t know what the term “radical” means, at least have the courtesy to not use it in sentences.
Blamed by WHOM?
"The Weimar Republic, Germany’s 12-year experiment with
democracyliberalism, came to an end after the Nazis came to power
FTFY. Liberalism is anti-democratic and inevitably leads to fascism when it fails to protect the capitalists’ precious status quo.
Be sure to let them know
I’d rather not. Talking to liberals is migraine-inducing.