• IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    “Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor, but because we cannot satisfy the rich.”

  • shalafi@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You DO need to learn to live with less. Quit buying shit! I so want to share my knowledge on living without buying, hardly ever buy new. I could show you around our house for two hours, “Found this on the road and fixed it. Bought this at the thrift for pennies.” Gods. That doesn’t even scratch the surface of what I’ve done and know.

    Buying feeds the pig. Buying feeds global warming. Buying feeds microplastics. Buying destroys our ecosystems and animals.

    You have to buy: Rent/mortgage, electricity, water/sewer, gas. Even given those limitations, you can find ways to cut. The rest is gravy.

    While we’re at it, play their games, take their money. I’ve learned so much working a retail job. There are a dozen ways to take discounts, cut their profits, all aimed at making you a loyal customer. FFS, take the money and run!

    Dad made good money as a Silent Gen engineer, mom didn’t have a clue, scrimped and saved every penny. She cut out box tops, saved coupons, hit 'em on double coupon day, read the sales flyers, planned. LOL, we used to get rebate checks in the mail daily. Hell, my wife and I eat like kings just by shopping at Aldi. Meanwhile, our idiot neighbors chunk money at Publix, because… reasons?

    Play their games against them. For example; When I need consumables off Amazon, I use my Amazon Chase card, get 5% back. Then I pay that same amount to them from my debit account. Boom. I’ve not paid a dime in interest, don’t even have to think about it, got my discount. (There are other benefits, I forget, sometimes they float in.) They expect you to rack up a bill, pay interest, profit them. FUCK them. Take their money.

    Fast food prices are obscene. Hell with it, load their app if you have to eat that crap, play the game, save money.

    “But I shouldn’t HAVE to play games!”

    Ever since mankind invented money, there have been games. Play to win, whine, lose, whatever, that’s on you.

    “Buh, buh biLLioNaires!”

    Stop buying and there won’t be any. It’s their worst fear.

    • GodlessCommie@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 month ago

      I think you completely missed the point of the meme. It’s the capitalist telling us that we are the cause of our own poverty because we live beyond our means. And if we want to be rich like them, we need to learn to live with less. While they are gorging off the fruits of our labor.

    • Evolith@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      I’m sure that the intention of your comment is benevolent, but the greatest issue not addressed by it is that capitalist greed is relentless and now persists without mass consumption. Plastic pollution garbage gets manufactured to line up the shelves well before anyone even purchases it and tosses it away. Workers will be given the bare minumum to sustain their lives because there are a dozen or more other people willing to compete for the same job, for potentially even less. The combustible poison siphoned up from the earth will continue to be released into the atmosphere even if most people switch to battery-channeled transportation that will still break down and waste away its parts in the environment.