I know it’s been a while, but I’m still getting used to the curly hair. Looks much better than the stupid Caesar thing he was going with before. But he still looks like a synth.
I know it’s been a while, but I’m still getting used to the curly hair. Looks much better than the stupid Caesar thing he was going with before. But he still looks like a synth.
I’m guessing most do not, because it takes a lot of work to spend a billion dollars. I speculate they are competitive with each other and want to be the richest of the rich. And/or they have dreams about colonizing Mars or whatever.
I think one blind spot many of them have is: you do NOT want to be a wealthy person living in a poor country.
It took me a long time to switch from Cakewalk to Reaper for this very reason. With a little time and practice I learned to love Reaper’s streamlined interface.
The Brother PocketJet series of printers might have a model you like. I have never used one of the PJ printers, but I’ve had good experiences with other Brother printers.
Awesome movie!
The Fisher King.
People mature at different rates. There are myriad reasons for this. But it’s OK to be a little bit immature for your age. There’s no shame in it and it’s very common. Being an adult mostly sucks, anyway. You’re already aware of it, so that’s a good thing. Pay attention to social cues and behaviors of your peers and you’ll figure it out.
Anyone wanting a deeper dive, check out the books and videos of Professor Richard D. Wolff.
I assume most people in healthcare do the job because they actually do care.
The insurance companies create an environment that makes it feel like it’s providers-vs-patients. The ruling class has been doing this kind of manipulative crap to working people for generations.
You’re a bold one. Lemmy hates videos and AI both.
Used CDs (or local library). Ripping software. Super easy. Or just buy from Amazon and download your files to local.
Many of my friends use it. I’m old school and just keep a collection of mp3s on multiple devices for backup.