Seriously, the world is full of soma in the form of social media and electronic entertainment. It’s a choice to take it and it’s a widely acknowledged and socially acceptable thing just like the book
Seriously, the world is full of soma in the form of social media and electronic entertainment. It’s a choice to take it and it’s a widely acknowledged and socially acceptable thing just like the book
Keeping your money out of the AI grift was a good idea but doesn’t deep seek imply that powerful AI is coming even faster and cheaper than what was already being promised?
Like what?
Sounds like you do have something to do then.
Community saw this as a potential note and agreed that it isn’t provably true and doesn’t contribute to the post. Rejected and it won’t be shown.
If you think this method doesn’t work I have an entire Wikipedia to show you.
Open ai going for-profit will be funny/terrifying to see. They can’t even break even right now. Even if they try to sell AI powered advertising or something it will be so stupidly expensive for them.
Friends I have talk about ordering groceries so casually. I go onto these apps and see a 20% markup with delivery fees and I’m like what the fuck.
Every big business owner believes they are the reason the economy turns and if it wasn’t for their ruthless intrepid capitalism giving other people jobs the world would be in shambles. Then they turn around and tell each other with a straight face that labor is the largest business expense and if you want to be successful you should do everything you can to cut business expenses.
Not to mention half of the important US ports. The states left would face a harsh reality when everything tripled in price as all the goods that used to be subsidized by the rich states are now hit with import taxes as well.
Yes, but you can’t pay attention to it all or the people with the $8b weapons deal win.
Libtard Anarchist OWNED by passage of the sun across the sky.
One service at a time. I used to be able to stand having Netflix and branching out to Hulu if there was something to watch but at this point even one service is charging too much money. I’ve found my free streaming sites otherwise.
Shocking, a site full of diy programmers and hackers are trying to hack the system. Maybe even just for fun.
MacOS owns the rich space*
And a lot of rich people are art dilletants or are able to afford putting their children through expensive art programs with no need to have it pay off. And of course they all buy the “top of the line” (which of course is obviously the most expensive right?) brands.
Don’t get me wrong, Apple plays into it so the cycle is recursive.
Yeah you can even just refund the game and they usually fulfill it in a day or two, usually in time for the sale.
The entire industry needs to change, and Hollywood has the capability to do it. Children’s movies and adult children sequels/remakes are the only thing making money so the whole business has consolidated around them.
Meanwhile they keep pumping out uninspired “originals” trying to fit the old model such as selling it on the actor or the special effects and blaming the consumers for killing the industry. So instead of a transition into a more modern system such as appealing to more niche audiences with a lower budget (that they can still make a profit on because of the expansion of the market) were going to see an implosion and have to start again from scratch.
Should have said “yous guyses”