Americans, being largely apathetic and unaware, won’t take to the streets until the coup effects them personally, which will probably be too late.
Our nominal ‘opposition party’, the Democrats, seem curiously quiet. It’s hard to imagine that the next elections will be a robust debate on the issues, if elections are allowed at all.
For now, the only hope of stopping “the dictator from day one” is the courts, but any judge’s ruling against Trump imperils that judge’s life, and is at best a temporary delay.
All findings that this that or the other outrageous act by the Trump administration is unConstitutional will be appealed to the Supreme Court, which is a subsidiary of the Republican Party. The Supremes might say NO to a few lesser outrages to maintain credibility, but they’ll give an enthusiastic thumbs up to all the most outrageous outrages.
Yeah, I’m pessimistic, and I’d love it if someone could explain how wrong I am, but it looks to me like the Constitution and the Law no longer matter. The courts might, but for how long?
i think the apathy is an illusion. most of the dissidents arent even shown on media. a lot of people care and are desperate for a solution.
That’s me, but I can’t organize and lead a rally or an army (and an army is probably what’s needed). I will show up at any march, but there’ve only been three within a hundred miles of me. Beyond that I don’t know what to do.
you guys need strong unions way way before an army will ever make itself necessary.
Huxley is more appropriate since nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to do these things. Rather you do it and don’t mind as big companies and trends make you.
Seriously, the world is full of soma in the form of social media and electronic entertainment. It’s a choice to take it and it’s a widely acknowledged and socially acceptable thing just like the book
So many lies I don’t want to be made the “truth.” Trump as a president for the ordinary person. Musk saved the federal government by tearing it apart. Democrats were a criminal organization. Trump was unfairly prosecuted. The Supreme Court is full of qualified people who are interested in upholding the constitution.
Just so much at stake but no one seems to care.
I’m ansolutely no expert here, might the “apathy” of the majority rather be some sort of deeply ingrained obedience to the office (“The President of the US”, not the person that holds the office) or the institution (pledge to the flag…)?
Feel like this image would have hit differently back in ~1999 when it was first published.
i find it ironic how orwell wanted to write criticism to socialism but ended up predicting capitalism’s future.
?? IIRC 1984 was criticism of all totalitarianism which he saw in Stalin’s Soviet Russia and Franco’s Fascist Spain. He was a democratic socialist, and opposed to authoritarianism.
orwell was very well known to be a big anticommunist. hence his comparison of soviet russia with fascism.
And 1984 became a meme we don’t really register.