Looks like maybe the copper pad came off for one of the contacts.
In that case a resolder might be a pain, and require some extra work to expose more of the trace.
Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
Looks like maybe the copper pad came off for one of the contacts.
In that case a resolder might be a pain, and require some extra work to expose more of the trace.
I think it’s fine.
The first party device has existed over a year now, proved its worth, and become more widely understood by gamers.
Android suffers from fragmentation, sure, but it being used by a variety of manufacturers hasn’t stopped people from understanding that android is android, and can do similar things whether you buy a phone/tablet for 200 bucks, or 2000.
He sure is
My cat gets his claws stuck in things.
No, they’re not overgrown. Hes able to fully retract them out of the way. He just. Doesn’t.
Not once, ever, have I seen him relax his leg and calmly lift the paw off to unstick the claws. Instead he only ever pulls harder and more violently, which makes retraction impossible due to how the force pulls on the claws. He will struggle more and more fervently until whatever thread, carpet or rope he is stuck in, is the thing that gives.
If he’s really stuck, I sometimes help him by pulling on the stuck limb to give the claws enough slack to come unstuck. This has not led him get the hint.
I would have been salty about Apex dropping linux support, if I hadn’t already stopped playing due to them messing up the game itself.
Depends on the games, but I play several games modded on linux, and some have even gotten linux-native mod managers.
Before them, proton usually lets you run stuff intended to mod windows games.
Two I know have all but commited to switching after seeing me be able to join them in basically everything we might want to play together.
They’re just using their w10 installs until they inevitably need an OS reinstall, at which point they’ve said they’ll have me over to set them up with whatever I’ve figured out works best at that point.
Nextcloud notes finally got good enough to replace google keep a while ago.
Been happily using that since.
Pretty sure the internet archive is dealing with Petabytes, if not Exabytes.
Did I not pretty explicitly allude to the need to not over-indulge?
This is why hedonism is a good thing.
You just can’t be so hedonistic that you can’t keep being one next year, and the year after. Or in a way that screws someone over.
If the data is encrypted, and the keys to decrypt it are gone, then so is the data.
Without the keys, the data may as well be all zeroes.
That would be my assumption.
You don’t see much redundancy in motherboards, so OP is off in that regard.
Rather, a lot of parts are non-critical because not every single one is needed to begin with. Unless you actually populate every single connector and port on a motherboard, a lot of it is doing nothing.