You are welcome. Don’t feel bad about it, in Arabic p and b, and f and v, sound the same and are often confused. Pepsi gets transliterated as بيبسي bibsi for example, Arabic also doesn’t have e or o. I just wish people wouldn’t start conspiracy theories based on transliterations. In some languages election and erection are easily confused, now that could be the seed for a fun conspiracy.
The Sassanians alienated their Lakhmid allies -forcefully annexed them and slaughtered their ruling dynasty-. Everyone knows what happened to the Sassanians not too long afterwards.
Who knows if history will repeat itself but worth waiting and finding out.
Edit: not sure why this is getting downvoted. I gave an example of an empire which at the height of its military might went through a period of political instability which lead to it turning against one of its major allies which eventually brought its downfall. The parallels are obvious, but whether we will get a repeat of the outcome or not, is yet to be seen. The replies are as-if the Sassanians are a little unknown empire at the edge of the world rather than one that was at one point an equal to Rome.