I self host forgejo. GitHub is the better service because of their super fast ci servers, the GitHub actions that just work, and also because collaboration is tied to the network effect
I self host forgejo. GitHub is the better service because of their super fast ci servers, the GitHub actions that just work, and also because collaboration is tied to the network effect
What? Botw was awesome! There was so much to explore, the world was interesting, the NPCs are good, and so on. Oot and Majora’s Mask are both amazing too of course, but botw is a modern masterpiece.
To be fair there isn’t just graphics.
Something like Zelda Twilight princess HHD to Zelda Breath of the wild was a huge leap in just gameplay. (And also in graphics but that’s not my point)
Tried it on my laptop. Doesn’t work at all
Sure, tell that the suppliers
Well, maybe deleting my account
And electron is shit, so you have to enable that experimental ozone thing, which kills off ibus somehow, meaning I have to decide between blurry chromium/electron apps and being able to write in Japanese.
Don’t even get me started on VST plugins for music production (definitely far from ready)
Millions are probably insufficient.
My thought exactly. Apparently people are using that stinky site for something that’s not just porn?
usermod -aG group user
mnemonic: user mod append group
Here it’s “j’adoube” with heavy German accent
Making an analogy where Linux is tiktok is wild.
Well they did just slap a 3 onto the DS
Gboard combines Japanese and German in a way that is properly usable. I wish there was a better alternative. That being said, support for east Asian languages (and easy switching) isn’t relevant for most.
There are dozens of us?
I use gnome too and I like it but that’s just not true. IME support (input of east Asian languages like Japanese) kind of sucks, especially as they only do ibus and not fcitx5.
That’s still insignificant compensation
Musk ist so ne Arschgeige man, Drecksdepp
Really, it’s the syslog. And if you have a email configured, the admin gets a mail.
It’s not just about git. It’s also about issued, PRs, comments, security advisory, and so on