The images are all AI generated as well, which anyone with a few hours and a consumer GPU could create. Low effort AI slopware should disqualify it more than any porn-iness…
The images are all AI generated as well, which anyone with a few hours and a consumer GPU could create. Low effort AI slopware should disqualify it more than any porn-iness…
You can cut down on your pencil quota by also adding free FedEx boxes to your furniture.
Edit: Remembered why I thought of this:
I know we’re taking about LG, but firmware updates really are as likely to break as to fix core functionality in my experience.
My Hisense TV is automatic, full-on lockdown-until-you-update. You literally can’t use the TV until it updates. And lo and behold, after an update that I did everything to try to decline but couldn’t, we couldn’t connect to the Internet. Cue to 4 months of arguing with Hisense support to get a working TV again - a TV I paid for, to which Hisense applied an update against my will, that broke it.
The only updates I trust at this point and welcome are Valve updates to my Steam Deck.
Yeah, there are way too many people here nitpicking about whether it’s functioning as an auto-complete. That is entirely inconsequential to the fact that its results were deceptive - not incorrect or vague or “not actually AI” - and were structured to mislead the authority.
It’s a likely intractable problem because you can’t just give a stronger system prompt or remove deceptive techniques from training data, when it’s specifically contradicting the prompt and the training data is the Internet. That’s the real problem here.
Yes, not really better at all. These donations are all symbols, not meaningful except as a show of obeisance. So we should interpret it along the same symbolic parameters.
It’s being framed as a personal donation because Cook is acquiescing to Trump’s pending authoritarian takeover, but wants plausible deniability that that imputes to Apple. But since Tim Cook is the one acquiescing and he leads Apple, it’s indistinguishable from the same thing. It carries the same message: Apple won’t get in your way, do what you will.
I’m American and trust me, in no way does it feel normal even after living with it my whole life. Simply hearing what you describe - not thinking about it - feels so deeply right and reasonable that it reminds me just how much weight of “this is not normal” we carry around.
Some weren’t connected? For most PCs that had it, it was a real thing, though counterintuitive and marketing-speak, because enabling “turbo” was just normal speed and disabling would run in a slower mode for compatibility.