Beetle was a copy of a Tatra anyway.
Beetle was a copy of a Tatra anyway.
Goodenough died in 2023.
Tiraspol in not the Moldova’s main city, that would be Chisinau, the capital which is 5x time as large. Guardian FFS.
Aha, it’s fixed in the article.
The problem with this stuff is you can’t never be too sure that it isn’t an intentional “leak” just to spread nuclear scare.
Please. Watt is an SI unit of power, equivalent of Joule per second. Watt-hour is a non-SI unit of energy( 1Wh = 3600 J). Learn the difference and use it correctly.
All hail Saint Linus, the prophet of the only true kernel!
Unfortunately that’s not necessarily true. The north of Ukraine at the time was covered by S-300 and/or S-400 AA systems deployed in russia. While these can be dealt with by F-35(As demonstrated by Israel), something as old and slow as A-10 wouldn’t fare well. Which is one of the reasons why the US Air force is trying to retire them.
So what you are saying is this is more like Fahrenheit 451?