I’d wager that teenagers these day are much more aware of data collection and more protective of personal information then they were 10-20 years ago. I could be giving them too much credit, though.
I’d wager that teenagers these day are much more aware of data collection and more protective of personal information then they were 10-20 years ago. I could be giving them too much credit, though.
Whenever I see one of these polls being published I imagine how I would have answered them when I was that age, and I would have lied about every negative seeming question.
What if the poll wasn’t really anonymous and this data was going to be passed on to future employers or schools?
I think he meant mobile gaming, like angry birbs and raid shadow candy crunch.
Seriously, my teenage niece is a complete square, but still looks up to me as her cool uncle, so I encourage her straight laced nerdiness.
Hopefully she doesn’t burn out in her 20s and make a series of painful but cool mistakes like I did.
It’s DEI just Equal Opportunity with a fresh coat of paint so racists/misogynists don’t sound like boomers from the 90s when they complain about it?
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.