*member of the board
Mind the shavings
*member of the board
Trump’s whole thing ran off of anti-establishment energy, without even being anti-establishment. Bernie was the real thing, and would have been drawing from the same energy.
He’d have won.
Why do you get multi-millionaires voting for a president who doesn’t help them? What the fuck is a rich person gonna do with more money? Throw it in their internal misery furnace? And in exchange for the nothing this gets them…their neighbors know the rich neighbor got the money by stealing it from them so they all want him dead?
If I was rich and out to help myself I sure as shit wouldn’t vote for nazis.
As for the rest, I like that you can appreciate the little perverse joys while keeping them small, because small is what they are.
It’s not a war crime if it makes you money, I’m told.
The only time anybody says “it’s not that bad” is when it’s that bad.
Well, reddit has nothing at this point, so it’s better than the competition.
Funny you mention 9/11, because with the 2024 election, osama bin laden can finally rest, because his task is complete.
I kind of feel like anybody who can get insulted by the likes of a lying nazi cunt deserves to be insulted. It isn’t insulting if you don’t get insulted. Call them stupid lying bitches and ask them how come tell truth make pee pee smol.
There are many other problems that are harder to solve, but that one’s trivial to solve, and it occupies a weirdly obsessively large portion of what nazis are chasing, so it can waste a surprising amount of their focus.
I think the way to beat amazon is to specialize in one tiny area. Carve them up into such small slices that they cant fight back.
So like, instead of trying to do just their books business, do just horror books. Horror that mixes with all genres, every possible crossover, but always horror books.
Having a genuine specialty is what can take amazon down, bit by bit. Something genuinely cool, something genuinely fun. Another big-ass store is nothing special.
That’s the real crime of shitty governments and economies: you never get to hear who would have been your favorite singer.
That and the mass killing, I guess.
My cat purred at me and it was heartwarming until I paid attention and then it was fucking infuriating
This is what we call “dipshit energy”.
The fediverse is confusing and that’s bad. It should be less confusing, and there should be less people making comments like that one. Quit it.
We’ll get there sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.
While true, this takes the heat off the place it most belongs: individuals, individually choosing to go along with something so horrible, when they could instead choose not to.
This is why fediverse UI and intuitiveness being as good as possible, rather than “open sourcey”, is so important.
Everything helps. Those of you who are working on the Fediverse, thank you!
So get them on there.
“Hey dummies, this here is the place that isn’t trying to fuck us, let’s move it over.”
For me the way bigger issue is clunkiness. The fediverse needs a massive push for UI, usability, intuitiveness. Not having that will turn people away, but part of what will get it to happen is more people showing up and saying “stop making this otherwise objective improvement so janky that I second guess coming here in the first place.” Maybe a few will be inspired to help, if they have the skills.
To everybody working on the fediverse in any capacity: thank you. You are building a digital Noah’s Ark for the future.
Fetishizing pain is a defense against it. Better to deal with it in other ways.
I’m not saying you don’t know that, just pointing it out.
Conservatives lie in their very word choices.
“Somebody pointed out I was wrong about something” = propaganda
“Conservatives lost” = it wasn’t fair
Stuff like that. Take the opportunity to talk about things in ways that leave the reader understanding more clearly when you see lying word choices like the ones in this screencap.
Stuff like this is a major, major component of dealing with nazis.
And even after they’re dealt with, it’s a better way of doing things, anyway. If it’s a company, you’re not on their social media platform, as much as you can possibly manage.
Which is a lot.
Occasional comments here and there are probably better.
…so, never put things in the terminal?