Might as well make an EAC Kernel to replace the Linux kernel at this point.
Might as well make an EAC Kernel to replace the Linux kernel at this point.
Starting a conversation with Statistics has long been a sign being too lazy to make a mechanism to include in the Hypothesis.
It has extended to, giving the stats and making the theory without caring about adding a mechanism to the hypothesis.
That is what leads to “stats is evil”.
Because, on top of the number of lines, it will also matter what kind of code is there in the line.
One can easily fill a 100 lines of code, hardcoding a lookup table with minimal logic in it. At the same time, a few lines of changed code might make a big difference.
Then, if multiple significant changes are done to a single feature, they all might be given in a single commit, making the number of commits very low, while having the changes spread across several different features, might require separate commits, increasing the count.
I’ll take these stats as a fun little number, usable to make some good looking graphs, but that’s all.
Also, the batteries need to be available at a reasonable price to the user.
Or they’ll start scheming
At this point, just get a bicycle without a battery.
Of course, sometimes you need to move heavy stuff and there’s nothing you can do about it, bu I tend to save enough, not owning a car/motorbike that I can afford to pay for a pickup on those occasions.
I don’t get why they feel the need to keep it a secret.
Google takes GeoLocation data with maps and people happily use it. I even put reviews for places I go to.
If they were to just be above board about it while selling the stuff, they would have much happier customers and they could even get some legitimate use out of the data, like traffic status that Google does.
I’m not a fan of Google, but must say, they definitely managed to do better in this regard.
But then how will they harvest your data?