God dammit! I guess I’ll take out a new loan from Tom Nook and I just repaid the last one :(
God dammit! I guess I’ll take out a new loan from Tom Nook and I just repaid the last one :(
What is forcing you? Why do you have to jump ship.
This is not an endorsement to use Firefox further but I am curious about your phrasing.
No, if I read that correctly the terms do not apply to me as I don’t use the “Executable Code version of Firefox”.
Where can I find this acceptable use policy?
Edit: found it but it was not mentioned in the new TOS. Does this only apply to Mozillas other services like sync and stuff?
Btw I didn’t down vote you.
Your reply begs the question which definition of AI you are using.
The above is from Russells and Norvigs “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” 3rd edition.
I would argue that from these 8 definitions 6 apply to modern deep learning stuff. Only the category titled “Thinking Humanly” would agree with you but I personally think that these seem to be self defeating, i.e. defining AI in a way that is so dependent on humans that a machine never could have AI, which would make the word meaningless.
What algorithm are you referring to?
The fundamental idea to use matrix multiplication plus a non linear function, the idea of deep learning i.e. back propagating derivatives and the idea of gradient descent in general, may not have changed but the actual algorithms sure have.
For example, the transformer architecture (that is utilized by most modern models) based on multi headed self attention, optimizers like adamw, the whole idea of diffusion for image generation are I would say quite disruptive.
Another point is that generative ai was always belittled in the research community, until like 2015 (subjective feeling would need meta study to confirm). The focus was mostly on classification something not much talked about today in comparison.
I am using eternity. There, it’s just a link but every word is surrounded by ~.
Unfortunately, I don’t think lemmy.world is authoritative in regards to formatting and Lemmy itself – iirc – does not suggest formatting guidelines.
Spoiler formatting is also a pain because of that :/
Why all the tilde symbols? That’s what makes it quite distracting and hard to read for me tbh.
That is actually something I really dislike. Lossless and lossy formats should be immediately distinguishable.
That was such a culture shock when I went to the us for the first time.
In Germany and many places in Europe do not think of burgers as sandwiches. I was so confused when I ordered a sandwich and got something like a burger.
I expected something like this. My confusion must’ve been quite the sight, the waitress even seemed concerned. Tasted great though.
Numpy can use BLAS packages that are partly written in Fortran
Nope. Almost every day I learn something new.
It was the app most like reddit if fun (rif). I liked it. To me it was the most intuitive layout.
Hasn’t development slowed to a crawl?
I am using eternity to post this btw. Was using liftoff before until it broke and will continue with eternity.
Why are Americans so riled up about this?
Do you guys not realize that this reaction is literally one of the reasons they do this? To be a distraction and to show their base that they made the bad people™ cry about it.
That’s a common misconception. You can measure a lot of ambient noise and extract entropy. Like time between inputs or how long it took an HDD to seek.
Most modern PC CPUs even have dedicated hardware for generating random numbers from electrical ambient noise. I don’t trust them however.
Some? I think there are more people doing such things than ever. It’s just that the growth of that community is overshadowed by the normies.
People always underestimate advertising. That is what I think is actually holding Lemmy back.
With good ads people would learn how to sign up fast. It’s not like it is harder than email.
This will break if the filename has spaces in it iirc.
Can humans think under that definition? I think it’s highly likely we can’t.
Are humans always able to come up with anything new? If so where does this ability originate. How would someone identify that?
I think this definition of thought is too limited and not how we use the word intuitively.