I rarely click on YouTube links. For some reason I gave this one a try. Turns out she’s bigoted.
That’ll teach me for clicking
At one point I was looking for some help with implementing something akin to UE’s Metahumans but in Godot.
Somehow I stumbled across this one, single person on youtube who had a half decent implementation of what I was looking for…
… and after watching some other videos on her channel… yep, she’s an open NeoNazi.
That was enough internet for me, that day.
yep, she’s an open NeoNazi
In the interest of not giving a potential neo nazi any more views, what made you think this? Apart from if she said “I’m a neo nazi.”
Well it was pretty much just openly saying it.
Her YT channel was a mix of fairly long, sort of livestream clips of development progress and notes… and then just clips of her livestreams where she wasn’t really developing and was just responding to chats, going off about political topics, ‘white genocide’ this, ‘every democrat is a f@g communist’ that, a whole bunch of other dogwhistles or overt references to memes and slogans of various extremist right wing militia type groups…
Also, for clarity, I am not talking about OP’s link, I’m talking about some very obscure other person I found months ago. Much , much lower view/su count, not even monetized. Also unlike OP’s link, this person actually wrote code instead of just having opinions about things.
There is a difference between being on the conservative side of a culture war and being balls deep into extremist right wing ideology.
YouTube is like the rest of the internet, some good, some bad.
YouTube, like other corporate social media and engagement platforms, thrives on anger and conflict, and pushes shitty takes higher up the recs list to get angry engagement.
So it’s more likely to be bad than good.
one of her reasons is “erasure of femininity in gaming” with a screen bemoaning “masculine features” of modern female characters, and her pinned comment says “you know things are bad when oblivion npcs are prettier than some of these new game characters” and also thanks asmongold for sending viewers her way.
so uh, how about no for this hateful garbage.
What here is hateful and if it is where is the hate aimed at?
Older games are better than a lot of modern AAA slop, but not for the reasons she describes.
I was hoping she would talk about game design, or writing, mechanics, player agency, gameplay before graphics or literally anything else but she spent nearly 15 minutes only talking about tired culture wars talking points like, “why don’t women look feminine aymore,” “why are characters designed for diversity/inclusion first before story,” “Concord sucks lol.”
Yeah AAA writing is shit, please change the record so all the sweaty neckbeard virgins complaining about Aloy’s facial hair can crawl back in their caves. So sick of hearing about it.
She shouts out Asmongold in her comments. Disgraceful.
Agreed with your reasons, but she made points I have never heard about that I found interesting, like disappearing of some femininity aspects to awkwardly try to avoid sexism accusations. I wanted to share a point of view that I think is rarely shared in gaming communities.
I don’t follow YouTube drama much, so I don’t know who Asmongold is.The reason I ended up there is because I recently started playing Oblivion, and saw her videos mentioned.
she made points I have never heard about that I found interesting, like disappearing of some femininity aspects to awkwardly try to avoid sexism accusations.
These are very common talking points of gamer gate bigots. It’s a giant red flag, because the people who talk about it are bigots
I think you may have a a specific experience that makes this very common for you. I personally don’t interact with those subjects much, so I didn’t know. Thank you for sharing your view.
Gamergate is not a very specific circumstance. It was a widespread harassment campaign involving the entire industry. This is a follow on from that movement, and any game that releases a female protagonist that isn’t soft and demure gets active push back from this group.
Pretty prejudiced take. Like in the literal sense of the word.
She shouts out a racist who was banned from twitch for bigotry, so I’d say it’s pretty spot on as a red flag.
disappearing of some femininity aspects
Can you describe some of those aspects that have been disappearing?
Reminds me that time gamer discovered girls have body hair because of Aloy.
I was surprised when she brought up Mortal Kombat as an example of over sexualized characters, and not, say, the entire Dead or Alive series. Especially Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. She does make some good points in her video, and I don’t want to dismiss her point of view, but I feel she took the easy way out in addressing this point.
Games, and movies and tv, have treated women as sexual objects for a long time, and now the pendulum has swung the opposite way in reaction to that. It’s going to take a while for games, and movies and tv, to allow for better perspectives on women. I think the indy scene is where we will find this happening before we ever see it in the major studios, since the latter has to worry about limiting risk and making investors happy. But hopefully the recent flops will be a shot across the bow and wake them up.
Except for that, this was a good video. She lays out her arguments well. I don’t agree with every point, but I understand where she’s coming from and can respect her point of view.
-Mr. Torgue Flexington. Borderlands 2
I don’t need to fix her.
No… No you don’t. People like her need to be ignored