History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes.
Buckle in kiddo it’s gonna be a fun couple of decades if we survive it.
See picture.
History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes.
Buckle in kiddo it’s gonna be a fun couple of decades if we survive it.
What’s funny (or sad) is that 100 years from now this will be looked at the same was as when Ford or IBM supported the Nazis. Their business won’t hurt long term and Tim Apple will be long dead.
If you’re going off the old testament God is a jealous, vindictive asshole. New testament was a very successful attempt to white wash this with all that “love they neighbour” bullshit.
The Bible is wild.
Shower thought. Economists by nature are professional dick riders to anyone with hoards of cash be they individuals or governments.
Yup didn’t mention cigarettes because I kicked the habit but nicotine also does wonders for ADD. LOL
I’m a heavy tea drinker. When I got diagnosed with ADD at 40 I realized I was probably (lol) self-medicating with the copious amounts of tea.
Still better (and tastier) than meds IMHO. Of course don’t take my advice always, ALWAYS, talk to your doctor.
I’m sure they announce it on their loudspeakers when you’re in the store too.
So many exploded cans and bottles in my youth but also the magic when you got it and your coke was in slushie form and then you added booze.
Chefs kiss