While Reddit mods and admin try to keep up with the site's "no violence" terms of use, Facebook and LinkedIn is reacting with tens of thousands of laughing emojis.
People are too hung up about anonimity on the internet. When one of my country’s worst journalistic shitrags mandated a real name policy due to the rampant racism and other -isms in the comment section of their articles… nothing changed. People are happily spewing the same vile rethoric as before and proud to, instead of being shamed into silence.
It’s one thing to mock it on pseudonymous platforms like Reddit and the fediverse.
It’s another to do it somewhere linked to your real name and job like LinkedIn.
People really hate insurance companies.
People are too hung up about anonimity on the internet. When one of my country’s worst journalistic shitrags mandated a real name policy due to the rampant racism and other -isms in the comment section of their articles… nothing changed. People are happily spewing the same vile rethoric as before and proud to, instead of being shamed into silence.